Dealing With Guilt

Matthew 25-28


You know how guilt feels. It’s that helpless, angry, sad, empty feeling you get when you recognize you have done something wrong. It can make people do crazy things. People often respond to guilt in four ways:

  1. Hide it. This results in feeling isolated and a “no one could be as bad as me” mentality.
  2. Suppress it. A barrage of excuses contends there is nothing wrong. This inevitably leads to more sin, as the person grows numb to its effects.
  3. Give in to guilt. Fully accepting the gravity of their error and their inability to conceal it, they become overwhelmed. They are filled with despair leading to the conclusion, “I am too far gone. Not even God can help me.” This helplessness can often be too much to bear.
  4. Address it. They accept their error, confess and repent of it. This is by far the best response to guilt.

Judas gave in to guilt. He could not live with himself; his sin literally buried him. Don’t be a Judas. If you are feeling guilt over past sins or present struggles, deal with your guilt in a healthy and helpful way that results in a better relationship with God and a deeper appreciation of His grace.

Reading: Matthew 25-28

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