I Will Give You Rest



Take a moment to breath.

Do you feel constantly compelled to do, go, and work? Your time and attentions are in constant demand. The struggle is real.

Rest is one of the greatest promises for a relationship with God. And it’s not a “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” kind of rest. A chance to take pause and focus on God is a rest that brings peace to the Christian’s every day.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Shake It Off


Jesus said what? That’s right, “Shake it off.”

It’s easy to feel personally offended when someone rejects the message of the gospel. When first sending out his disciples, Jesus knew there would be some—many who would not listen. So he told them to shake the dust off their feet and move on to the next town.

Our job is not to change hearts but to sow seed.

In Good Company


I always thought the adults were crazy—sitting around a table talking? How boring is that! I may still excuse myself to the kids table at times, but I have come to really enjoy just sitting down to a meal in good company.

In Genesis 11-12, you are introduced to Abram (who would later be called Abraham). He is blessed by God and becomes the father of all who have faith. In Matthew 8, you are introduced to an unnamed centurion. He exhibits great faith in the power and authority of Jesus.

Jesus then says, “I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 8:11).

When you have faith, you are and will forever be in good company.

Your seat at the table is ready.

Dealing With Guilt

Matthew 25-28


You know how guilt feels. It’s that helpless, angry, sad, empty feeling you get when you recognize you have done something wrong. It can make people do crazy things. People often respond to guilt in four ways:

  1. Hide it. This results in feeling isolated and a “no one could be as bad as me” mentality.
  2. Suppress it. A barrage of excuses contends there is nothing wrong. This inevitably leads to more sin, as the person grows numb to its effects.
  3. Give in to guilt. Fully accepting the gravity of their error and their inability to conceal it, they become overwhelmed. They are filled with despair leading to the conclusion, “I am too far gone. Not even God can help me.” This helplessness can often be too much to bear.
  4. Address it. They accept their error, confess and repent of it. This is by far the best response to guilt.

Judas gave in to guilt. He could not live with himself; his sin literally buried him. Don’t be a Judas. If you are feeling guilt over past sins or present struggles, deal with your guilt in a healthy and helpful way that results in a better relationship with God and a deeper appreciation of His grace.

Reading: Matthew 25-28

Behind the Mask

Matthew 21-24


Signs of Fake Faith

1. Spends more time condemning others than actually conforming to Christ. (23:13)
2. Evangelizes for reasons other than true discipleship. (23:15)
3. Looks for excuses from commitment to God. (23:16-22)
4. Makes mountains of religious molehills. (23:23-24)
5. Relaxes behind closed doors. (23:25-26)
6. Vigilant about about others’ opinions. (23:27-28)
7. Uncomfortable around righteous people. (23:29-36)

Woe there! Jesus condemns each of these things. Take off the mask and live with authentic faith.

Reading: Matthew 21-24