Why the God Filled Read Proverbs

Cash money by Nathan Gibbs

Today’s reading is Proverbs 16-20.

“How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver” (Proverbs 16:16, ESV).

Wait! What? No way.

Yes, absolutely.

Perhaps this is why David wrote: “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul…the rules of the Lord are true, they are righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb” (Psalm 19:7, 9b-10, ESV). Where else can we gain golden wisdom?

Tomorrow’s reading is Proverbs 21-25.

Wisdom or Folly? Who Will You Heed?

wisdom by Andy Rennie

Today’s reading is Proverbs 6-10.

Two women call for your allegiance today. The one is Wisdom, the other Folly (Proverbs 9). The guests of the former live and walk in the way of insight. The guests of the latter are guests of death. How can we tell which we have chosen? Wisdom is marked by fear of God and knowledge of the Holy One. The wise accept counsel, instruction, and even correction and rebuke. The fool fears nothing, knows little, and scoffs those who advise, listening only to what goes along with his passions and desires. Who are you listening to today?

Tomorrow’s reading is Proverbs 11-15.

God Filled Parenting; God Filled Listening

Listen, Understand, Act by Steven Shorrock

Today’s reading is 2 Chronicles 1-5.

Solomon made an incredible choice in 2 Chronicles 1:7-10. When given the chance to have any blessing in the world, instead of opting for wealth, power, or fame, he asked for wisdom and knowledge to govern God’s people. WOW!!! But did you know Solomon didn’t come up with this choice on his own? In 1 Chronicles 22:11-12, David taught Solomon to long for discretion and understanding from God so he could govern well. In 1 Chronicles 29:19, Solomon heard his father pray for him to have a whole heart from God that he may keep the commandments. We learn some things about God Filled parenting here, but also about God Filled listening. Are we teaching our children God’s wisdom is greater than anything, and do they hear us praying for them about it? On the other hand, are we listening to God Filled parents or mentors who will direct us to God’s wisdom? Solomon reigned over Israel in its finest hour because he listened, and things only started falling apart when he quit listening to this advice. This leaves us asking, to whom are we listening?

Tomorrow’s reading is 2 Chronicles 6-10.

Wisdom’s Call

Wisdom by Jerome Carpenter

Today’s reading is 1 Kings 1-5.

What would you ask for if the God of the Universe promised you anything? Please, don’t say you’d ask for more wishes. Solomon asked for wisdom to govern God’s people well and discernment to tell the difference between good and evil. What more can we want? We can have all the riches of the world, but if we do not have wisdom, it will slip through our fingers. We can govern the greatest nation in the world, but if we do not have wisdom, it will be broken in pieces. Listen for wisdom, she calls you. “Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?” (Proverbs 8:1, ESV). “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” she cries (Proverbs 9:4, ESV). Will you heed her call today?

Tomorrow’s reading is 1 Kings 6-10.