Cling to the LORD

cling by Andy Field (Field Office)Today’s reading is Joshua 21-24.

“But you shall cling to the LORD your God just as you have done to this day” (Joshua 23:8, ESV). Does anyone remember Jacob clinging to God in the wrestling match at Peniel? (cf. Genesis 32:22-32).  Despite the fight, Israel had clung to the LORD and now they were receiving the blessing. Jacob was renamed Israel; these Hebrews were now becoming the nation of Israel. Sometimes it is like that. The blessing comes only after the struggle. Whatever you are struggling with, don’t let go of God. Cling to Him. The blessing will come.

Monday’s reading is Judges 1-5.


Don’t Procrastinate on God’s Promises

Procrastination by symphony of loveToday’s reading is Joshua 16-20.

Time for another confession. I’m a world class procrastinator. So Joshua 18:3 was right up my alley. Joshua rebuked seven tribes saying, “How long will you put off going in to take possession of the land, which the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you?” (ESV). Why would anyone wait to enjoy the promises of God? I can’t help but connect this with Ananias’s words to Paul, “And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name” (Acts 22:16, ESV). Why wait to grab hold of and enjoy the promise of cleansed sins? If you haven’t been baptized for the remission of your sins, do so today.

We’d love to know what you got out of today’s reading or if another part of the reading stuck out to you. Let us know in the comments section.

Tomorrow’s reading is Joshua 21-24.


Land Boundaries?! Do I Have to Read That?

field by freefotoukToday’s reading is Joshua 11-15.

Okay, I confess; it is hard to read the list of land boundaries. In fact, perhaps it is a stretch to say that I read them rather than skimmed them. But as tedious as it is for for me to consider the endless fields and hills being described in a land I’ve never been to, with boundary lines and landmarks I’ve never seen, I’m glad this is here. As Joshua 11:23 says, “So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that the LORD had spoken to Moses” (ESV). This list of land boundaries reminds us that the God we serve does what He says, He keeps His promises, He fulfills His Word. Rest in that today.

We’d love to know what you got out of today’s reading or if some other part of the reading stuck out to you.

Tomorrow’s reading is Joshua 16-20.


The #1 Reason to Stay in the Fight

soldier by Niko978Today’s reading is Joshua 6-10.

“And Joshua captured all these kings and their land at one time, because the LORD God of Israel fought for Israel” (Joshua 10:42, ESV). If God is for us, who can be against us? If God is within us, who can overcome us? Don’t live today in fear. Live it in victory. Even when you mess up, turn back to God. After all, Israel had Ai and Gibeon, but they still took the land. God is for you; you can’t lose. Hang on to Him and enjoy His victory.

We’d love to know what you got out of today’s reading or if some other part of the reading struck you. Let us know in the comments section.

Tomorrow’s reading is Joshua 11-15.