Faith That Counts


At the age of five, I had some pretty big aspirations. I was going to build a bridge from California to Australia and ride my motorcycle across it, and I was going to count all of the stars. One night, I went out and looked to the night sky. It was harder than I thought.

“’Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.’ Then he said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be.’” This was going to be a blessing from God that was too big to be counted.

Abraham had the kind of faith that counts. The next verse states, “And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness.”

If you want righteousness and blessings too big to count, have faith. Trust God even when the odds seem bleak. Your faith will be counted to you as righteousness.

Remember: with God, nothing is impossible.

In Good Company


I always thought the adults were crazy—sitting around a table talking? How boring is that! I may still excuse myself to the kids table at times, but I have come to really enjoy just sitting down to a meal in good company.

In Genesis 11-12, you are introduced to Abram (who would later be called Abraham). He is blessed by God and becomes the father of all who have faith. In Matthew 8, you are introduced to an unnamed centurion. He exhibits great faith in the power and authority of Jesus.

Jesus then says, “I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 8:11).

When you have faith, you are and will forever be in good company.

Your seat at the table is ready.

Seeing God in Your Life



Today’s reading is Genesis 45-48.

“So it was not you who sent me here, but God,” said Joseph, explaining to his brothers how he ended up as vice-regent to Pharaoh. I wonder how easy it would have been to say the same thing while being shuffled into Potipher’s presence or when being thrown into prison? Once everything works out, it is easy to see the presence, purpose, and plan of God. The challenge is trusting the purpose of God while still in the midst of the mess. Remember, if you love God, He is working everything together for your ultimate good (Romans 8:28). One day, you will be able to see that God really had your best interests at heart with whatever you are going through now. Even though it may be harder to believe that today, hang your hat on it and surrender to God.

God, Not Me


Today’s reading is Genesis 41-44.

“Joseph answered Pharaoh, ‘It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer'” (Genesis 41:16, ESV). If only I could learn to give this answer more often. It is not in me to preach, be the example, produce fruit. God is the one with the power. Any victory we’ve had is because of Him. So don’t rely on us to do great things. Perhaps we can be God’s tool, but let’s call on God to do great things and then offer ourselves to let Him use us if He wants (cf. Ephesians 3:20-21).

How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?



Today’s reading is Genesis 37-40.

It would have been a sin against his own body, against his fellow servants, against Potiphar’s wife, against Potiphar. Yet he said, “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9, ESV). And that is the great tragedy of sin; it is against God, and therefore is the great hindrance to being God Filled. Of course, being God filled is the great solution to overcoming sin. Joseph delighted in God more than sex, power, prestige, and control. Drawing on that, he overcame. Dwell on, delight in, and rely on God and find the power to overcome Potiphar’s wife in your life.

Half Measures Avail Nothing



Today’s reading is from Genesis 33-36.

Jacob not only got rid of the household idols, he got rid of their ear rings (Genesis 35:4). He not only got rid of the idols, he got rid of the idol ingredients (see Exodus 32:2). If I want to be God Filled, I have to get rid of my idols. If I want to get rid of my idols, I have to get rid of the stuff that makes the idols. If I get rid of my idols, but keep my ear rings, when the going gets tough, I’ll just recast my idols. Half measures avail nothing. Today, I have to ask what idols I’m still halfway holding on to and completely cut the tie. How about you?

Wrestling with God

wrestling-by Fort Meade

Today’s reading is Genesis 29-32.

Like Jacob at the Jabbok, sometimes it seems like the one we are wrestling with is God. Why does it seem like such a struggle with Him sometimes? Perhaps God tests us to see how badly we want His blessing. Will we abandon His blessing because the going gets tough? Or do we know His blessing and glory are worth far more than any struggle and suffering we endure? (cf. Romans 8:18)

Hang on. Keep wrestling. Don’t let go no matter the pain or potential injury. God will bless you if you hang on. Be blessed!


Don’t Despise Your God Filled Rebirthright



Today’s reading is Genesis 25-28.

A bowl of lentils was what Esau’s double portion firstborn birthright was worth. Might as well make the trade because if he didn’t eat, he would die and the birthright would pass to Jacob anyway. I laugh at him, scorning him as a fool. And yet how many times…? How many times have I scorned my double portion firstborn rebirthright for a bowl of lentils? God has promised me forever pleasures, everlasting life, and fulfilling joy (cf Psalm 16:11) and I look at some momentary pleasure and think, “If I don’t get to _________________, I’m going to die.” There is no real sacrifice in surrendering my lust, vengeance, anger, covetousness, immorality in order to have my double portion firstborn rebirthright. The real and tragic sacrifice is when I decide to trade true life, joy, and pleasure for a bowl of lentils. Not today!

God of Success



Today’s reading is Genesis 21-24.

How could Abraham’s oldest servant possibly get back to Haran, walk right up to Abraham’s family, and find a woman willing to go back and marry Isaac? God, the God of success, the God whose Word does not come back to Him void, but accomplishes that for which He sends it out (Isaiah 55:10-11). Sadly, we too often think of success in terms of getting fame, fortune, finances, popularity, prestige, and personal glory. But this is not success. Abraham’s steward wasn’t successful because he helped Abraham become a rich man, but because he pursued God’s plans of blessing for Abraham’s family, and thus the whole world. Romans 8:28-30 shows us this very same God of success. When we hang on to Him, loving Him, He will work things together for good, assuring that we will be justified and sanctified. Today, I can keep serving the Lord because I know He is working on my behalf and He is the God of Success.

God of the Impossible



Today’s reading is Genesis 17-20.

“Is anything too hard for the LORD.”–Genesis 18:14

He is God who brings something into existence from nothing, Who does what man can hardly imagine, Who brings life from the dead. He brought life to Abraham’s dead body and Sarah’s dead womb. Is it so shocking that He brought life into Mary’s womb? Is it so shocking that He brought life into Jesus’ tomb? Is it so shocking that He will bring life to us who have been dead in sin? Do not let Satan turn you from God’s promise today because of your flaws, mistakes, even sins. Hang on to the God of the impossible. He will bring life into you (Romans 8:11; Ephesians 2:5).