Out of Egypt

Hosea 8-14

Reading: Hosea 8-14

Remember the days your children were born? You counted fingers and toes. You looked for family features. More than anything, you were just thankful for God’s miracle of life.

This is especially important to remember when they grow up, argue and frustrate you to no end.

God’s people have been rebellious, but He looks back to the early days when their nation began—the day He called them out of Egypt. God also looks forward. This is a prophecy about Jesus, the Son of God, going to Egypt when He would be very young.

Next Reading: Joel 1-3; Amos 1-3

Hurting Hearts

Hosea 1-7Reading: Hosea 1-7

You can’t stay mad forever; you love them too much. No matter how selfish or silly they have been, you find it in your heart to forgive them. And they all lived happily ever after.

If only it were that easy.

Hosea experiences in the most vivid way the pain of loving the faithless. He marries a woman who was unfaithful to him. He experienced both the anguish and the determination of love.

That’s the kind of love God has for you. His heart is torn to pieces by your unfaithfulness. But he is determined to love you anyway. He makes a promise of forever and faithful love for his people.

So be faithful to Him.

Next reading: Hosea 8-14