Have Some Pity

Obadiah; Jonah 1-4

Are you easily frustrated with people? Does your demeanor drastically shift at the slightest provocation? You’re not alone.

Jonah had shown his frustration with people, so God gave him a test. He sent a plant to offer Jonah some relief. When the plant withered, Jonah lamented the death of the plant. He showed more pity for the plant than people.

Here are four powerful lessons from Jonah to shape your attitude toward people:

  1. Your anger isn’t good.
  2. Consider the possibility of their ignorance.
  3. Don’t preside in God’s judgment seat.
  4. Share God’s grace.

Reading: Obadiah; Jonah 1-4

You Don’t Have To Be Ashamed Anymore

Daniel 7-12

Reading: Daniel 7-12

Sin is shameful. The guilt can be unbearable. But you don’t have to be ashamed anymore.

Daniel cried out to God on behalf of the people. He knew they had been stubborn, rebellious and depraved. So he knew the punishment they had received was just. So he confessed their trespasses and all that he had contributed.

Then God forgave them.

It sounds too simple. Repent, confess and be forgiven. But that’s how simple it is supposed to be. Here is the hard part: be ashamed. Be broken hearted over your sin. God can’t mend what isn’t broken. So offer Him your broken, contrite heart.

In His forgiveness you will find, you don’t have to be ashamed anymore. Just be proud of His grace.

Next Reading: Hosea 1-7

Upside Down

Ezekiel 21-25

Reading: Ezekiel 21-25

“Exalt that which is low, and bring low that which is exalted.” (Ezekiel 21:26)

The judgment of God shakes things up. The proud and mighty are brought low and the humble a exalted. This had immediate application for those affected by the conquest of Judah, but the principle expands to us.

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6)

So in your dealings with people and your attitude toward God, be humble and wait for the Lord to exalt.

Next Reading: Ezekiel 26-30