You’re Not Stronger Than Solomon, Don’t Try to Be

Falling Man by Robert Stromberg

Today’s reading is Nehemiah 11-13; Esther 1-2.

Why do we think we can stand where others mightier, wiser, and stronger than us have fallen? And yet that is exactly what I do again and again just like Israel as they repeatedly married foreign women who worshiped false Gods. Despite the fact that generation after generation in the past had gone into idolatry because of intermarriage, each new generation somehow thought they were different. In Nehemiah 13:26-27Nehemiah brings up Solomon. If the wisest king of Jewish history turned from God because of foreign women, what makes this generation think they will play with the fire without getting burned? This is why Paul says, “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12, ESV). The God Filled learn from the past, not only theirs, but others’. The God Filled don’t walk recklessly into temptation declaring the strength to handle it; they flee unrighteousness, knowing it is powerful and we are powerless. Only then does God’s power fill us and make us victorious.

The Shocking Source of God Filled Strength

Joy by Marina del Castell

Today’s reading is Nehemiah 6-10.

What makes the God Filled strong? The ultimate source of God Filled strength according to Nehemiah 8:10 is: “And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (ESV). Reading the Law, the Jews saw with clarity just how guilty they were, and their grief was visceral and abundant. You would think the priests would encourage that grief, prompting them to feel even worse because they weren’t nearly sorry enough for their sinfulness (who is?). Instead, they declared a day of feasting because of God’s mercy that had led their ancestors out of Egyptian captivity, through the wilderness, and into the Promised Land and had now led them out of Assyrian and Babylonian captivity and back into the Promised Land. Where is our strength? Is it in mourning over our sinfulness and considering how much of God’s punishment we deserve? Or is it in the joy that comes from knowing that “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:4-5, ESV)? Certainly, know your guilt, but find your God Filled strength from the joy that accompanies forgiveness, mercy, and God’s grace through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow’s reading is Nehemiah 11-13, Esther 1-2.

God Filled Teamwork

teamwork 5 by D I

Today’s reading is Nehemiah 1-5.

We may think being God Filled means going it on our own. “Just me and God,” we say. Sadly, most of the time we say “It’s just  me and God,” we actually mean, “It’s just me.” When I’m relying on God, I’m relying on His people. The Jews rebuilt Jerusalem’s wall by relying on God by relying on each other. Is it too cliche to say, “Teamwork makes the dream work”? Let’s face it, the work is hard and the enemy is attacking. But together we can do it. There may be rare exceptions, but in general, we won’t be God Filled all alone. So…who’s on your team?

Tomorrow’s reading is Nehemiah 6-10.