The Wicked, the Wise, and the Wealthy

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First Timothy 6 houses some of the greatest words on wealth and the perspective that Christians ought to have on the pursuit of material gain. Based on the way Paul sets up the chapter, I see him basically addressing three groups of people, namely, the Wicked, the Wise and, finally, the Wealthy. I’ll paraphrase his basic instructions:

  • The Wicked (6.3-5): They contradict the Bible; they’re argumentative, conceited, possess a craving for controversy, and are in this whole religion thing for the money.
  • The Wise (6.6-10): They realize that the only true gain in this world is pursuing the life of Christ and being satisfied in Him.
  • The Wealthy (6.17-19): They are truly rich who are rich in good deeds, using their material blessings to help those less fortunate in this world – just as our Lord taught, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Ac.20.35).

Here’s what I want to point out about this passage: “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content” (1 Timothy 6.6-8). I love the simplicity and truth in that simple statement. But why do we so often have hoarding problems? Let’s face the facts: we have WAY MORE than we need in this country, and yet our eyes working in tandem with the billions spent on advertising of all sorts, produces this craving, this insatiable desire for more, and more, and more. We don’t live as if Paul is right; as if we really won’t be able to take home with us all the little trinkets that we’ve collected over the years.

This reminds of some others who possessed a large collection of goods that they firmly believed would join them in the next life: the Egyptians. And yet just the other day me and Amber were able to walk through the Egyptology exhibit at Chicago’s own Field Museum to check out all the neat collections of things they kept in the sarcophagus with them. The verdict? They’re still here – in this life.

I once read an author who put it this way: “There are no U-Hauls behind hearses.”

So, my question is Do we live as if Paul’s words are true? If not, how would your life look different if you did? Might we live more generous lives – giving to those truly in need? Maybe so.

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 1; Psalm 123; 1 Timothy 6 – 2 Timothy 1

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